1. Downloading Census data and shapefiles from the US Census Bureau (for both Total Population in Wisconsin and a variable of my choosing)
2. Combining the shapefiles with the data in ArcGIS
3. Mapping the information and building a layout suitable for both maps
First, I downloaded the data and shapefiles I needed by visiting the American FactFinder database at http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/searchresults.xhtml?refresh=t. I used the advanced search tools to find data that contained the total population census information and occupancy status information from 2010. I used the SFI because I only needed basic standard Census data. I then downloaded a shapefile map of Wisconsin that included all counties.
The data files were downloaded and then saved as an excel workbook for uploading to ArcGIS.
Combining Shapefiles and Data
After bringing in the shapefiles and data tables onto ArcGIS, I wanted to combine the shapefile with the variable I was mapping (Total Population and Occupancy Status seperatly). Before joining the attribute tables of the two files, I wanted to preview what this would look like to make sure no problems existed with the files and if they shared common attributes I could use to join them.
I opened both attribute tables separately, then under Table Options in one of the table windows, chose “Arrange Tables” à New Vertical Tab Group.
The attribute table for Occupancy status was listing the titles of the attribute data as a feature ID. To solve this, I opened the document in excel and deleted the problem column.
To permanently join the tables together, I then
right-clicked on the shapefile in Table of Contents and under “Joins and
Relates,” I chose “Join.” I chose the field to join the shapefile with the
Excel Workbook Attribute Tables by GEO_ID. Because table joins link tables together based on common
attributes, I joined the shapefile and the excel workbook of decennial census
information by GEO_ID because they share the same geographic id field (GEO#id).
I mapped the total population data by quantities with a graduated color scheme. I mapped the total population per county. However, the total population attribute did not map at first because it was imported as a string field type. To fix this problem, I added a new field as a "double" field type. I right clicked this newly added field and brought up the field calculator and chose the field that contained the total population. I was then able to map total population of individuals in each county,
For the shapefile joined with occupational status data, I mapped number of vacant houses per county and normalized it by the total number of houses per county to get a vacancy rate. This was also mapped quantitatively with a graduated color scheme.
I mapped the total population data by quantities with a graduated color scheme. I mapped the total population per county. However, the total population attribute did not map at first because it was imported as a string field type. To fix this problem, I added a new field as a "double" field type. I right clicked this newly added field and brought up the field calculator and chose the field that contained the total population. I was then able to map total population of individuals in each county,
For the shapefile joined with occupational status data, I mapped number of vacant houses per county and normalized it by the total number of houses per county to get a vacancy rate. This was also mapped quantitatively with a graduated color scheme.
Wisconsin US Cencus Data by County 2010: Percent Vacant Housing and Total Population. End product maps. |
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, United States Census Bureau (2010). American FactFinder - Search. Retrieved March 17, 2015 from http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/searchresults.xhtml?refresh=t.